January 29, 2004

Who's Ready For Some Downloads?

The Superbowl is so passe. The hype, the ads, the game, the halftime show are just so last millenium. OK, I'm just bitter because the Rams aren't in it (again). I'm sure I'll watch it, ignore the hype, discuss the ads, root for the Panthers, and do something else at half time (they can't have U2 there every year). But the most important thing is that Pepsi is going to give away 100 million downloads through iTunes after the game. Hip Hip Hoorah! I love my iTunes, and I'm looking forward to burning some new CDs as I drink far more Pepsi than I should. While iTunes doesn't have everything, it does have a lot of good music: you can get the title cut from Traffic's Low Spark of High Heeled Boys for a mere 99 cents - an amazing value when you consider it is over 11 minutes long.

And just between you and me, Beyonce as a gladiatrix will never go out of style.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at January 29, 2004 12:39 PM | Current Events
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