January 20, 2004

Kudos to Dennis

As long as I'm going on about the press and columnists, I want to highlight good work by one. I think this column about Jews, Christians, and Mel Gibson's The Passion is simply outstanding. This is a very grown-up column (our culture fails us by the cooption of the adjective "adult" to mean only sexual), a rarity in today's media (a probably in yesteryears too - I wasn't around then so I don't know). Dennis Prager tackles an emotional, controversial topic in a very calm manner while doing full justice to differing viewpoints. It really is a wonderful job of writing that begins with a full grasp of the issue and sensitivity towards the people involved. If only our normal political reporting, let alone opinionating, was as grown-up. Wouldn't it be nice to see a column about social security written at this level, if only just once?

Posted by Kevin Murphy at January 20, 2004 01:05 PM | Media Criticism
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