January 20, 2004

Something You Don't See Everyday

I think Halley's comet comes around more often that the elements of this story. A columnist dissed a segment of society, the segment put it's money where it's mouth is, and the columnist apologized. Now, the details: A columnist wrote another cliched column about video games (violent one's specifically) being the ruination of our youth (in an earlier era, it was comic books -- I'm sure every era has something that causes the ruination of its youth). So when readers at penny-arcade.com read it, they didn't get mad, they demonstrated that the colunist was wrong by raising $146,000 in cash and toys for Children's Hospital in Seattle (full disclosure - my daughter has spent time in Children's hospital right here in St. Louis). When the columnist found out, he apologized and wrote a column celebrating the exploits of the video gamers at penny-arcade.com. If only every protest was conducted in such a positive manner.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at January 20, 2004 12:50 PM | Media Criticism
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