November 07, 2002

I Suck Up, Big Time

Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit ran a selection of his email today, and by the looks of the small excerpt he provided, he could run one of the best blogs around just by running reader email. I guess it just goes to show you, those that have, get. It also demonstrates to me what a genuinely nice guy he is based on the his replies to the couple of dopey (compared to the one's he published) emails I've sent him.

James Lileks publishes a bleat every weekday that should be read by every man, woman, and child in the world. He consistantly delivers great humor, insight, and interest; often his work is outstanding. How he does it should be under intense scrutiny by all the J-schools. Instead, the profession is too busy scratching it's head over why people are getting less of their news from the news media and more from late night comics. People, its not hard - your product is lousy. The editor of USA Today commisioned a study and discovered that half their stories contained at least one error -- and those were factual errors that could be easily discovered. A writer for AP was canned when it was discovered he made up quotes from made up academics relentlessly in his stories. And it's downhill from there. You want more readership - syndicate Lileks in every newspaper, and watch your sales go up.

I was embarrassed to discover that I hadn't linked to Susanna Cornett in my permanent links after she so kindly linked to me in her blog after I gave her a heads up on story she's covered in her blog. So sorry Susanna, and I've taken care of the problem. I didn't want to leave such a fine, must read blog off my list.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at November 7, 2002 09:05 AM | Inside Bloging
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