October 11, 2002

Washington University Law School Refuses Recognition of Pro-Life Group

Washington University Law School Student Government has decided, tolerant, open, loving people that they are, not to recognize a Law Student Pro-Life Group, according to the St. Louis Post Dispatch. What's odd about this story is that I'm in agreement with the Law School Dean, and not the students, when he says, ""We appear to have stomped our foot down and said there's only one ideologically and politically appropriate way to behave." I guess the students have done a good job of picking up the reality, and not the rhetoric, of campus life. Apparently, recognition was denied because the group has a narrow political focus, and approving it would open the door to other groups with narrow political foci. Why this is bad, you'll have to ask the students. The paper notes that there are 29 recognized groups, ranging from legally themed groups to sports clubs to minority and religious groups, and what the Post so opaquely refers to as "proponents of gender and sexual equality". Is that a feminist organization, or a gay and lesbian one or both? Who knows, who cares, they are acceptable; pro-life isn't.

Isn't if funny, when the left today talks about the erosion of civil rights because of the war on terror without providing an example, they never mention that the one protest movement that is legally muzzled in this country is the pro-life movement, with restrictions on their speech based upon proximity to an abortion clinic?

Posted by Kevin Murphy at October 11, 2002 11:33 AM | Current Events
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