March 29, 2004
Tastes Great, Less Girth, I Can Sleep At Night
I'm not anti-caffeine. But as I've said before, I think caffeine is too effective a drug to waste on recreational use. And that brings me to today's complaint -- why is it so hard to order a diet white (i.e uncaffeinated) soda in a restaurant? Is it really that poor of a seller? Since caffeine stimulates the appetite, you'd think people who are watching their weight (and that seems to be a majority of us these days) would want a no calorie, no caffeine yet tastes great solution to their beverage problem. I don't want to sue, but desperate men do desperate things.
We welcome comments. However, use no profanity and be civil.
Perhaps because caffeinated sodas tend to taste better and there isn;t much demand for the other kind?
Posted by: Bruce Rheinstein at April 7, 2004 10:12 AM