April 23, 2004

The Latest Molehill

Do I care about all the ins and outs of John Kerry's military service in Vietnam? No. Is it worth digging through the records and trying to figure out whether or not he really earned 3 Purple Hearts? Absolutely not.

To the Republicans who think there is some hay to be made here -- put aside partisanship and honor one of our vets.

To the Democrats who claimed GWB was AWOL and demanded all his records -- you reap what you sow, so start reaping.

I would consider voting for the Kerry of 1968 - a decisive leader under fire, but the years have changed that youth into a man who starts his day by getting out of both sides of the bed and staying that way the rest of the day.

C'mon, important stuff is happening right now, and we're worried about what happened thirty years ago?

And while I'm at it, can somebody tell me the news value in showing us that the remains of our soldiers killed overseas are well treated, flag draped, and flown through Dover AFB? There are better photos -- like this one or this one.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at April 23, 2004 12:44 PM | Media Criticism
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I might vote for Kerry because I think that, overall, he will make a better president than George W. Bush for the next four years. But the recent Spanish election worries me. Is there any way I can vote for Kerry without sending the wrong message to the al-Qaeda terrorists?

Posted by: Carl Drews at April 23, 2004 04:11 PM