June 03, 2004

A Domestic Scene

This morning my wife had a concerned look on her face. "Should I be concerned?"

"About what?" I replied.

"That list of websites by the computer."

I thought a moment. Lightbulb goes off over my head. "Those are sites I had to blacklist from the blog. I get an email for each comment, I write down the URLs I need to ban, and then I use Blacklist to do it."

"Debt consolidation, online gambling, something about flirting - you can see why I was curious."

"Yep." I'm just glad I didn't have any nekkid wimen or male potency comment spammers recently.

I'm amazed how much comment spam I get here at a small potatoes site. I didn't get any when I was running Greymatter, but after my switch to Moveable Type it started. At first I used to ban IP addresses, but I noticed pretty quickly that spammers were changing their addresses the way a secure radio frequency hops. Thankfully Jay Allen wrote Blacklist for MT. While I still get comment spam, I don't get it from the same place twice. Of course, the real solution is the death penalty for spam - email or comment, but I don't think that will ever pass.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at June 3, 2004 08:04 AM | Family
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