June 29, 2004
Another Day Dawns
And so it begins. Sovereignty has been turned over to an Iraqi government. There are those who say this is a sham; others think it will bring real change. I think even the prior announcement of a hand over made a difference. To the Iraqi people, the insurgents (I don't like the word but I don't have a better one) are becoming more clearly the enemy, more foreign and less home grown; American soldiers are becoming less occupiers and more temporary order keepers; political progress is becoming less just promises and more concrete. These are all good things. The desired end state for Iraq isn't that we're loved and so then we leave; the desired end state is that a representative, liberal Iraq stands on its own two feet, then we leave, and then (maybe) we're loved. How long did the love last in France and Germany?
Posted by Kevin Murphy at June 29, 2004 1:09 PM | War On Terror