July 27, 2004
A More Full Transcript
There have been some shocking scandals recently what with Sandy Berger under investigation, Theresa Kerry telling off a reporter for doing his job, and Andrew Sullivan endorsing John Kerry for President because while Kerry may or may not support the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA) banning gay marriage, he knows full well George W. supports it. Here at Funmurphys: the blog we've done some "real journalism" and discovered that the principals have been Dowdified - that is their quotes have had verbiage selectively removed to make a point the media wanted to make, but not one the speaker intended.
The abbreviated quotes:
"I inadvertently removed a few classified documents" -- Sandy Berger
"You're putting words in my mouth" -- Theresa Kerry
"The FMA wasn't everything" -- Andrew Sullivan
The full quotes:
"During the course of trying to deliberately remove every copy of a particular classified document, I inadvertently removed a few other classified documents"
"You're putting my words back into my mouth "
"The FMA wasn't everything, it was the only thing"
This post is based on what I thought was a (rare) pretty good comment of mine over at JustOneMinute
Posted by Kevin Murphy at July 27, 2004 12:21 PM | National Politics