August 18, 2004
Vacation Act 1, Scene 1
We stayed in Denver for 3 days on vacation. We did a lot of fun things there, but the very first thing we did was visit the Denver Botanic Garden. It is a lot more compact than the Missouri Botanical Garden, but still a joy to visit. I'm taking you on a visit through the magic of digital photography.
They had a wonderful Mediterranean garden with these cool pastel washed columns:

I know this is a cliched shot, but this cluster of viburnum berries was too pretty to pass up:

They had a high impact -- more in person than in photo -- red border inspired by Kew Gardens (I'm not sure what all the sculpture was inspired by):

Seemingly every body of water in Colorado had lilies, but at least these were in bloom:

They had an english cottage garden, and this was the yellow section:

These are not giant speakers, but a fountain that wasn't on. The view wasn't much better when it was on, but the sound sure was:

No display garden is complete without a Japanese garden, so here is the Denver version:

I hope you enjoyed the tour.
Posted by Kevin Murphy at August 18, 2004 10:56 PM | Colorado Photos