September 6, 2004
Whitewater Rafting
When we were in Colorado we went whitewater rafting on the Cache La Poudre river and had a blast. I can recommend Wanderlust rafting -- and try to get Kate as your guide, because she is not only good at the rafting part, she's a lot of fun too (if you value your dryness, don't splash her first) and good with children. Look for the green rafting helmet. They take pictures of your trip and for a fee will provide you with either individual shots or the whole set. I plumped for the whole set on CD so you don't have to. We did the taste of wild as the other trips had age restrictions that would have left the Fruit of the Murphy Loins behind.

Some people always seem to know where the camera is and play to it. The two littlest fruit are mine; I'm the guy with the Pancho Villa mustache (since trimmed, thankfully), and my better half is the gal behind the Foster Grants.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, ... Boy, that Kate sure was a slave driver!

Yeeaaaagghhhhhh!!!!! A trip like this lets your inner Dean out (whether you want it out or not).

The other Fearless Leader and Kate are chatting away like they're in the line at the grocery store. Women.

Whitewater is fun. No, they didn't teach us that display paddle position -- it just comes naturally.
Well, I made it all the way to the end without a gratuitous Clinton joke about Whitewater. Good luck on a speedy recovery Bill!
If you get a chance, you should go rafting too as it is too much fun to be legal for much longer.
Posted by Kevin Murphy at September 6, 2004 6:54 PM | Colorado Photos | FamilyLooks like a great time!
Posted by: Busy Mom at September 8, 2004 11:54 AM