August 10, 2005

American Moral Recovery

I'm not the only one who thinks that American society and culture is getting morally better. Check out this editorial by David Brooks at the Salt Lake Tribune (originally at the New York Times News Service, August 9, 2005):

By a lot of hard statistical measures, we are now better-behaved than we were 15 years ago.

I particularly liked this note:
"The second thing that has happened is that many Americans have become better parents. Time diary studies reveal that parents now spend more time actively engaged with kids, even though both parents are more likely to work outside the home."

This explains why: the top of my dresser is covered about 4 inches deep with unopened financial statements, the lawn needs mowing, the garage is full of junk that I have to sort through, and that I finally got around to filing my taxes in July. I'm concentrating on what matters - my wife and children!

Posted by Carl Drews at August 10, 2005 2:52 PM | Culture
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LOL---I'd be in so much trouble if we weren't still renting-I'd have to claim my yard was a fancy new design....but I tend to agree--I think much of the perception of society being worse is that media of all sorts highlights the worst of us more than it did before.

Posted by: ArchPundit at August 11, 2005 10:46 AM