December 5, 2005

Too Good to Be True

Moderate consumption of alcohol reduces the odds of obesity. So maybe those beer adds where whippet thin yuppies meet to run and then have a light beer aftwards isn't so far fetched after all.

Maybe this is just good news for me, given as how I have far more than I want, but research by investigators at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine indicates that stem cells from hair follicles help heal skin.

I sit on the pinnacle of happiness because I said "I do" 17 years ago.. Or in the words of a researcher "Some commitment appears to be good, but more commitment appears to be even better", and marriage is a the top of the committment heap.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at December 5, 2005 12:57 PM | Science
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It's been nearly 17 years since I too used the magic phrase "I do," unlocking the door to my new life. When I talk to single men now, I can still get a glimpse of my miserable bachelor existence, before my wife lifted so much of the burden of decision making from my shoulders. Before, I was overwhelmed with choices; now I am called upon to make the two really big decisions the our household faces on a recurring basis:

1. Who should be President of the United States.
2. Is that bulb burned out and need replacing.

I meet these other poor wretches crushed by the burden of decision making and am glad that my "I do" has allowed me to use two other magic words that invariably lead to bliss: "Yes Dear."

Posted by: Sean Murphy at December 6, 2005 9:32 AM