February 27, 2008
The World Outside
Perhaps it's because I'm getting over that killer flu that's going around and it seems like winter is never going to end, but my thoughts keep returning to the Norse idea that the end of the world is presaged by a winter without end - Fimbulwinter. But then that leads me to think Ragnarok and Roll and I can't help but smile.
And now, not only am I not alone in thinking this has been a particularly bleak winter, but I've got data to back me up.
No, I don't honestly think the world is coming to an end, the weather and my frailty combine to make my mood sink like the Earth's temperature recently. I know my mood won't be permanently affected (I really do have a naturally sunny disposition), and I'm hopeful the Earth's temperature isn't permanently affected, because no matter what climate alarmists tell you, warmer is better than colder. In moderation, of course.
Posted by Kevin Murphy at February 27, 2008 12:10 PM | Current EventsRagnarok and Roll, that brings back some happy memories. It's funny but once I read Fimbulwinter I thought of it immediately.
Posted by: Sean Murphy at February 29, 2008 1:53 AM