The New iMac And More


Apple has unveiled it's new iMac G5 design: Nothing but flat screen. OK, and an anodized aluminum stand, and I assume they throw in the keyboard and mouse. And its not all flat screen because there is an expanse of white for the logo and speakers. But you get the point. While I want one, they could make one set of changes in the hardware that would make more than my demographic (Apple fans) want one.

Apple is almost to what I call "Mom's computer:" a wall mounted computer with wireless input devices.

The nerve center of the modern household is the kitchen, and mom is the COO -- chief operating officer -- of the household. So what mom needs (yeah, just like a man to tell a woman what she needs) is a computer for her -- a computer that fits into the kitchen and takes over the roll of the exterior of the refridgerator and the calender. The family wants to be able to leave messages for each other. Now you put them on a sticky on the fridge, pin them to cork, or write them on a white board. Better would be to leave them on the computer, and you could even password protect private messages to individuals. To make it work, you need the computer somewhere in the middle of the beaten track, somewhere where everybody spends time - namely the kitchen. For a computer to be completely convienent to use, it must also be located convienently.

Wouldn't it be great to have different views of the calender so you could see it either by individual of by everything the family is signed up for? Why tack up photos on the fridge when you could just set the screen saver to provide a slideshow or tile the screen? Integrate recipes with shopping lists with a weekly or monthly menu? Keep track of to do lists, shopping lists, school projects, etc. Play your iTunes library during meals, or while working or relaxing in the kitchen.

I have a programmable thermostat that controls the temperature of the house based on time of day and day of week. Wouldn't it be nice to have the same thing for internet content - you could set your browser up to have the latest weather, traffic, news, and your calender for the day displayed when you have breakfast during the week.

The other reason I call it "mom's computer" is that in order to make it all work, mom has to have first dibs. Anyone can play games or do schoolwork or whatever, but when somebody else (especially mom) needs to use it, they can.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Kevin Murphy published on August 31, 2004 1:20 PM.

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