A Link Here And A Link There

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It's that time again for Friday links.

Ed Driscoll has a great post that looks at suicide bombers.

Chris Johnson looks at the conservative response to the liberal destruction of orthodox Anglicism and says the time for words has passed.

Freesoiler John Hilton uses Gov. Matt Blunt's war chest as proxy for popularity. While I don't think the Governor inherited a state government "in total disarray", he did get handed a budget deficit due to a referendum that Archpundit, no friend of Blunt's, said would make the governorship "a booby prize". So we've been treated to a succession of stories about how Blunt is cutting services with attendent outrage by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch without the reminder that these cuts are not because the Gov likes to cut, but because the people of the Missouri voted by an overwhelming margin to have all gasoline tax money be spent on roads instead of a portion going to services as they had in the past. I don't think the stories are finding much resonance beyond the usual suspects, though, with the exception of the cuts to medicaid.

Shelly Powers delivers another great photo essay. Beauty is a joy forever.

The Listless Lawyer provides his own "Best Of". Maybe I'll do that when I actually have an entry I'd be willing to include.

Cam Edwards writes about a column by Mark Yost and the response to it. It seems Mr. Yost doesn't like the media's reporting, and they don't like Mr. Yost. Via Bill In DC.

Arthur Chrenkoff has a post entitled "Charles the Hammer Made Them Do It<"/a>. With a name like that, how can you resist?

OK, I couldn't resist ScrappleFace's take on L'affaire Plame.

Somehow the guys at In The Agora exhaustively examine France without once mentioning the words "leather bustier". (I admit it, I mentioned them just for the hits).

Bill Roggio at Winds of Change examines the support for Al Qaida and finds it slipping through their Governor Tarquinesq fingers.

Powerline does some of their best work by bringing us beach volley ball pictures.

Finally, a post at Pandagon I can agree with. (Except for that part about watching dating shows and having a boyfriend.)

Of all the stuff on QandO, I chose to link to this? Well, he is the most dangerous pundit on the face of the planet afterall.

Michael Totten wonders about our memory. Apparently there's a hole in it that swallows things like prior reporting on links between, oh, ah, I forget, so go read the darn thing yourself.


A group of American Anglicans _has_ done something about the "liberal destruction of orthodox Anglicanism"; we have formed The Anglican Mission in America (AMia). Our archbishops are Emmanuel Kolini of Rwanda and Yong Ping Chung of Southeast Asia (Singapore). We are part of the worldwide Anglican Communion but independent of the Episcopal Church USA.

Here is a page I authored describing our Apostolic Succession.

Lastly, for all the fuss over what is happening in the Episcopal Church, one should remember that the Episcopal Church represents a tiny fraction of Americans; 1.7% according to this source. So in terms of the overall significance to American faith, please keep that figure of 1.7% in mind.

Sorry, the Apostolic Succession is here:


The word "succession" has a total of three s's in it. Not four.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Kevin Murphy published on July 15, 2005 1:02 PM.

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