Random Acts of Linkagery

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Today is Friday, and that means Links!

But before we get to any, I just have to mention a referrer log result (isn't that what bloggers write about when they don't have anything to say?). I'm used to getting the occasional weird or unpleasant one, and I've gotten used to the whole armpit thing (you'd be amazed at just how international that particular fetish is based on my referrer logs), but I got a hit the other day from a search for "Maureen Dowd Sexy Feet". Yes, I get the "Maureen Dowd Sexy" searches all the time, but one thing up with which I will not put is two fetishes in one. So to the next person who hits this site with that search and gets this post, you need help. MD isn't sexy, right down to her toes, so please consult a mental health professional before you google again.

OK, now that that's out of the way, on with the rest of the show!

Tom McMahon asks a good question: Why can't the bring back the Apple Newton?

Sexy, oops, I mean Busy Mom has some reading advice: Confessions of Super Mom". My wife never mentioned she was writing a book.

The Other Kevin Murphy warns us of a pretty sophisticated phishing (um, why isn't it spelled the normal way? And if you're going to do wierdly, why not ghoti-ing?) attack. Be careful out there!

Here's a study sure to piss off everyone - researchers in Britain have discovered that men are smarter than women (that's half the people upset) but men are lazy and don't make full use of their intellegence (there's the other half).

Here's an extended review of Apple's new Mighty Mouse. I think you could safely say he gives it two scroll wheels up.

The New York Times, the grey lady of American journalism, the head of the press pack, right? Sure, especially since they have a tendency to write what they want, and their own sources be damned.

Are all whistleblowers created equal? Umm, no, according to Craig Henry. Oddly enough, certain whistleblowers are more equal than others.

I may not have made the cut at Burning Bird, but I still love Shelley's pictures.

Another symphony from Wretchard, with Donald Sensing performing the solo.

The Listless Lawyer has some results from the Barna Group's latest religous survey in America. Missouri was number one in a couple of categories, but you'll have to go there to find out which ones.

The Plame Wilson Rove thing must be officially dead, since Tom Maguire is all Able Danger all the time now. Even with Tom's magnificent work, the Able Danger story is as murky as this morning's fog.

QandO has advice for bloggers. And when Jon Henke speaks, I listen. You should too.

The King of Fools has some observations on TV violence. No, not like Monty Pythons observation about Sex on the Telly.

That's All, Folks!


Good links, thanks!

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Kevin Murphy published on August 26, 2005 12:32 PM.

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Things of Beauty is the next entry in this blog.

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