Friday Links, Part Deux III


Because its Friday, that's why.

I use to do lists at work, mainly because if I don't I forget to do a lot of stuff, even important stuff. Since I'm a happily married man, I have no need for a home to do list, except for the stuff I don't want her to know about -- like Christmas presents for her. But I don't recall ever putting this on my to do list before. Hopefully, Listless isn't keeping that from his wife (Are you sure he's married? No, and I'm not even sure he's a man except he keeps a to do list).

I'm not a big fan of Bill Moyers - who strikes me as the perfect embodyment of the characature of a Christian as mean, humorless, and holier-than-thou. Tim at Random Observations, who strikes me as none of those things, sets Mr. Moyers straight on the teachings of Jesus. Keep reading, because he also sets Jimmy Carter straight, and Glenn Reynolds too for good measure.

Jim Hoft does what the Bush administration should be doing: Letting us know what's really happening in Iraq, and why we shouldn't pull out now. Scott Ott does something similar, but in his own style. Oh wait, Centcom does put out the word, but the press somehow never has time for such information.

Archpundit relays Stephan Chapman's take on the "morning after" or "Plan B" pill and makes me think:

But it turns out the reputation is groundless. The best scientific evidence we have indicates that the morning-after pill serves to block fertilization, while having no effect on implantation. That makes it contraception, not abortion.

As a longtime pro-lifer, I think anti-abortion groups had solid grounds to oppose the morning-after pill when its function was unclear--as I did. But given what we now know, it's a grave mistake to keep opposing it. In fact, there are grounds for celebration: A drug once believed to produce abortion is found to prevent abortion.

He also gets in a dig at the Bush adminstration, but not only is that to be expected, it may be the right thing.

Yesterday I wrote how in theory Christians, Jews, and Moslems all worship the same God -- although all three are different religions. David Opderbeck puts a lot more meat on the bones of that idea. He concludes contra Joe Carter that all three groups do in fact worship the same God.

Pajama's Media finally launched, there was a big party that the right people were invited to (Yes, that means I wasn't), they changed their name to Open Source Media and trademarked it (whether the irony was intended I don't know) and the world changed. Or maybe not. I'm with Jeff Harrell-- I'm not sure what it is they are trying to do. But with 3.5 million in financing, they can take awhile to figure it out.

Children on Love - because we all need a laugh, and as you know, children say the darnedest things.

The last word on the White Phosphorus is a chemical weapon nonsense.

The last word on why Funmurphys won't ever have advertising. And no, it's not any objection to making money on my part, it's the lack of focus. I consider it a feature, but people who spend advertising dollars consider it a bug.

Want to know more about Paris Hilton? Me neither, but she shops for lingerie with a monkey. Why? Because she can.

Is Google really going to take over the world? Beats me (OK, if I said yes, this would the last you ever heard of this blog), but Crooked Timber looks at one attempt.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Kevin Murphy published on November 18, 2005 12:42 PM.

Wilson Plame Libby Woodward was the previous entry in this blog.

Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire is the next entry in this blog.

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