Our prior offers may have interested only some of our readers, but we feel that this offer is our best one yet because it should interest everyone. What's one commodity that is in short supply in modern society? Why time, of course. It doesn't matter if you're a student or a parent, at home or office, we all need more time in today's hectic crazy world. Yes dear readers, we are able to make you the special offer of time!

We're pleased to be offer spare moments to you, our loyal reader. Yes, you heard me right, you can buy spare moments direct from Murphco! In the future, we would like to be able to really wholesale the moments and perhaps provide minutes or even hours, but for now, we are starting our test marketing with moments. We too have had a lack of spare moments, so we scoured the planet looking for reliable sources. Now that we have, we can bring them direct to your, our customer.

Our spare moments are the finest you'll find anywhere. Specially crated at the Tibetan and Benedictine monestaries that are our suppliers, they are then freighted to our quality control center stateside so that we can assure you, our faithful customer, that we sell only the finest spare moments. Through special meditative techniques and total boredom, the monks have perfected the art of making spare moments. I know this sounds absolutely crazy to our stressed out western ears, but they have more time than things to do. So rather than let it go to waste, we are able to capture this time and make use of it.


With each order, we'll throw in a pair of round tuits! Yes, you heard me right, I said round tuits. It was very difficult, but we have secured a supply that finally has grown enough to allow us to more than just meet our own needs, but to offer to other people in desperate need. How many times have you wanted to tackle some important job, but were prevented only because you couldn't get a round tuit? Well friends, despair no longer because we have round tuits just for you! We have entered into long term contracts with many retired handymen, the kind of guys who got around tuit on a professional basis for years. Now that they have moved to a retirement development in Florida, they still are able to get lots of round tuits but have nothing to use them on. Again Murphco stepped in to insure that another rare item didn't go to waste.

And remember, our round tuits are GUARANTEED to be perfectly round, our we'll cheefully refund your money.

Act now friends and get a round tuit and take just one spare moment to order plenty of spare moments and receive two round tuits absolutely free!

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This page last updated 26 April 2001

© Contents copyright Kevin Murphy 2001. All rights reserved.