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NEWS FLASH: Denise wins election to the Country Lane Woods II board of trustees in a landside victory!
In this edition (12/14/96) we find the Murphy Fearless Leader discovering that its a jungle out there, the Other Murphy Fearless Leader remembering why she retired at 30 in the first place, and the Fruit of the Murphy Loins eagerly anticipating a big haul this Christmas.
In honor of the season, the following picture is provided:
P.S. No, this is not our house
Kevin's View
It's a jungle out there, make no mistake. At the flying bomb factory where I work, we are busier than Santa's Elves as the first flight of our latest offering, SLAM ER, approaches on February 13 (mark that date on your calender). And as its the "holiday season", we are at our busiest at home, too. In fact, the contrast of the fullness of December with the emptiness of January causes a rupture in time so great that a year is required to span it. At least all of this activity takes my mind off the central fact of '96 -- I turned 35. Yes, it's a jungle out there.
Erin is enjoying her half day kindergarten at Carment Trails. Kyle is enjoying his one day a week stint in a Mother's Day Out Program (a relic of Denise's retirement.) Everytime we pass the church that it's at, he points out "there's my school" (translated from the Kylese.) Both kids are thrilled with the approach of Christmas. What a difference from my childhood where hours were required to buy a tree, this year we set a new Murphy Family record with the purchase with about five minutes of looking. They both had fun helping Mom and Pop reach the lower branches and fighting over who would hang which ornament. At least the younger generation of the Murphy Family continue the traditional arguing over how to decorate the tree. The steady advance of the lamb in the advent calender is cause for great delight since they know when it reaches the end, the Big Guy in Red makes his appearance leaving behind a bag full of toys for good girls and boys.