Archive for category Irish Proverbs

Irish Proverb 7

When the apple is ripe, it will fall.

Irish Proverb 6

It is a long road that has no turning

Irish Proverb 5

Better a lock than suspicion

Irish Proverb 4

Both your friend and your enemy think you will never die

Irish Proverb 3

Quiet people are well able to look after themselves.

Irish Proverb 3

Time is a great Storyteller

Irish Proverb 2

The Light Heart Lives Long

Irish Proverb

In honor of my new desk calendar whose pictures consist of delightful pastoral scenes of the old sod mixed with a fine assortment of pubs and the occasional distillery and once a week an Irish Proverb and no picture, I present my first Irish Proverb:

The wearer best knows where the shoe pinches.