After taking Ann Coulter to task for her insulting remarks about a certain group of 9/11 widows, I think it only right to show case a remark by one Larry Johnson that is far worse than any Coulter made: “Karl is a shameless bastard. Small wonder his mother killed herself. Once she discovered what a despicable soul she had spawned she apparently saw no other way out.” Mr. Johnson has since tweaked the remark, although from “Small wonder his mother killed herself” to “This could explain why his mother killed herself” really isn’t much of a change in meaning. So what’s the point? Mr. Johnson objects to Mr. Rove’s “attacks” on Jack Murtha and John Kerry for wanting to withdraw all American troops ASAP – as well as the usual assorted claims against the Bush administration. Does such a remark reveal anything about Mr. Rove, let alone shed any light on the correctness of any claims by either Mr. Johnson or Mr. Rove? Of course not, but they do reveal a lot about the character of Mr. Johnson, none of it positive. And I can’t even say about Mr. Johnson it reflects badly on his substantive points because he doesn’t have any. He simply wants us to believe the paranoid fantasies of the left based on his insults of the right.
Nor do I care what Johnson has to say about Don Surber, who demonstrates how to argue like a grown up, not a petulant, spoiled baby who cries and lashes out when people simply don’t do as he demands.