I’m scanning Google News just in case the left’s dream comes true. Nothing on the Fitz Front, but plenty of other interesting stuff:

The UN Comittee Against Torture called on the US to close its detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. And while we’re at it, “The state party should take immediate measures to eradicate all forms of torture and ill-treatment of detainees by its military or civilian personnel, in any territory under its jurisdiction”. The U.S delegation noted that there have been about 800 investigations into allegations of mistreatment in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the Defense Department found misconduct and took action against more than 250 service personnel; there have been 103 courts martial and 89 service members were convicted, of whom 19 received sentences of one year or more. No word on any calls for Cuba to stop torturing its own people or how many Cuban prison guards have been disciplined.

Symantec is suing Microsoft to stop the release of Vista over licensing issues. I wonder which will move faster – the courts in ruling, or Microsoft in releasing Vista. Both move at a glacial creep.

Lawsuits are all the rage, so Apple is countersuing Creative Labs claiming that Creative has infringed on Apple patents — Creative sued Apple for the very same thing (different patents, of course). I should have become a lawyer, because no matter the outcome of any suit, the lawyers always win. Always.

And I was shocked, shocked to read that Gen. Hayden thinks that the NSA’s programs to eavesdrop on international calls or collecting phone call records is legal. I think they are, but what did the headline writer think the Gen. was going to say, lock me up now before I break the law at the CIA?

I wonder at this headline at Reuters: Tensions rise after Hamas aide caught with cash. Um, weren’t they already shooting at each other?. And some guy smuggling money is the culprit for “rising tensions”. Maybe we ought to let go all the headline writers so we can get some new cliches.

Congress is upset that the Oil companies are taking American’s hard earned money — that’s their job. So they’ve decided to put the oil companies to work for them to the tune of 10 billion dollars.

And once again Congress has decided that their are more important things than energy for America. Take it away, Gateway Pundit.

Scientists have no idea if multivitamins do any good. I say they’re a lot easier to take than cod liver oil (yes, I’ve was forced to take cod liver oil briefly as a child).

The reviews of the Da Vinci Code movie aren’t good. I read the book and enjoyed it as a mystery, although despite the authors claims that it is based on fact, it is fantasy start to finish. A note to Hollywood – exciting trash sells, dull trash languishes. Real scholars are happy that at least people are interested in their arcane fields, even if the facts are wrong.

And finally, here’s a headline I never thought I’d read in Forbes: Britney Spears Stumbles, Nearly Drops Baby. Now there’s an important news story. Just think of the coverage if she acutally had dropped the little nipper.