Today’s Post-Dispatch had an article about a St. Louis man walking across the country to lose weight — you can read his online journal. Good luck, Gary and Cheryl, I hope all goes well.

Jeff Harrell makes a great pitch for a great charity. Yes, I know, the shortage isn’t in the worthwile charities.

Mark Kleiman is dazzled that somebody has invented a pocket sized device that can tell when other people bored or annoyed with you. It was invented for autistic people; I don’t need one because I have a wife to tell me when I’m boring or annoying.

It’s with much guilt that I present the following link to the Politburo Diktat: THE PUBLICITY HOUND DIVA PUNCH-OUT!!! Yes, tasteless can be funny.

Shelly at Burningbird has a great post about the pitfalls of passion:

But I find that every time I get passionate about something, my ability to work with my team and my effectiveness to the team decreases as the passion increases. I have a hypothesis as to why: the rushing of blood to my head drowns out what other people are trying to say. The only thing I can hear, then, are the folks who are echoing my words.


The funWife and I saw Failure to Launch (a romantic comedy of middling quality) while on vacation, so I was mildly surprised there is a real basis to the film. Thankfully, Cassandra explains why more young men are living with their parents.

Scott Ott reminds us that there is no such thing as a double blind study for God.

Joshua Claybourn tackles gambling from a Christian perspective.

Jason points out a significant development in Iraqi Army capabilities.

Danger Will Robinson! Exploading Mammary Enhancers!

And I leave you with: Bing Crosby singing Yellow Submarine. Why you ask? Because I can.