I think it was Kevin Drum who started it, and then Kevin Aylward and Kevin McGhee picked it up, and after several years I figured I might as well give Blogging Kevins a try. Only one problem – there are a lot more bloggers out there now, Kevins included, so if I left you off, sorry.

This Kevin examines switchgrass as an alternative energy source because someone whispered it in his ear.

This Kevin reports that the United Farm Workers is a scam in the post Cesar Chavez era (without mentioning the quote about how every American crusade turns into a racket).
This Kevin reads a lot of books and reviews a pair of books about finance for the younger and the older crowd.

This Kevin explains why he doesn’t bother watching the State of the Union Address.

This Kevin addresses the current Danish Cartoon Controversy.

This Kevin discovers why GM is hemorrhaging money.

This Kevin examines DRM in the UK.

This Kevin wonders what if people were run like large businesses?

This Kevin doesn’t think highly of ethanol as an alternative fuel.

This Kevin looks at the final frontier of digital connectedness.

This Kevin responds to the response to the State of the Union Address.

This Kevin is back in the blog saddle again.

This Kevin finds a different Islamic reaction to the Danish cartoons.

This Kevin runs the Carnival of Trackbacks.

This Kevin still has a photoblog.

This Kevin looks at the gender distribution of the new President of Chile’s cabinet.

This Kevin laments he spends too much time with work and not enough with his wife.

This Kevin wishes us all a Happy Hannakwanzaramadamas from Las Vegas.

This Kevin looks at another alternative fuel use of grass.

This Kevin describes communicating concepts through comics.

This Kevin wonders why congress doesn’t provide a tax deduction for HDTV as long as they are mandating an end to analog.

This Kevin wonders if anyone is reading Infinite Crisis?.

This Kevin tells us what the State Department really said about those Danish cartoons.

This Kevin reviews everything he buys, including bread, burgers, and smokes.

This Kevin has the latest Tetris DS images.

This Kevin alerts us to a drink mix site just in time for the Superbowl.

This Kevin stresses the importance of silence.

This Kevin writes about communities, journalists, and stories and isn’t surprised traditional journalism is losing its audience.

This Kevin is convinced that Flash is your friend in Web 2.0.

This Kevin wakes up and decides that with all that’s happened he doesn’t want to get out of bed.

This Kevin reports the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) is suing AT&T for cooperating with the NSA.

This Kevin thinks his candid blog is more compelling than if he self censored to avoid conflicts of interest.

This Kevin thinks American Idol may have gone a little too far for him.

This Kevin loves the guitar he bought on ebay.

This Kevin reports on the the removal of Cindy Sheehan from the gallery before the State of the Union Address.

This Kevin reports that iTunes isn’t just for music and video anymore, it’s for learning too.

This Kevin lists his great moments in the war on idiotism.

This Kevin is mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.

This Kevin quotes Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Boyscouts.

This Kevin let’s us know how to handle medical receptionists.

Yes, we are more eclectic than ever.