Now that Harriet Miers has withdrawn from consideration, I won’t be able to make up my mind on her elevation to the Supreme Court. No hearings, no way for me to decide. I do think the nomination itself was a mistake (yeah think, einstein?) mainly because there seems to have been so little thought put into it. It’s like all this effort went into picking now Chief Justice Roberts, and then they were too tired and distracted and picked the first woman who said yes. It’s like going out to Tony’s for dinner and then stopping off at Shop ‘n’ Save to pick up some house brand ice cream for dessert on the way home.

I suppose I’m a natural optimist, but I don’t think the nomination does any lasting damage to the president if this time President Bush picks a compelling nominee, or at least someone the administration can provide clear reasons to support. Who remembers Kerik? He was clearly qualified for the job, but he had “other” issues. And his successor is the lackluster Chertoff.

I’m hoping for Janice Rogers Brown, but I’m not holding my breath.