OK, the Supreme Court has issued a couple of rapid fire decisions in high profile cases. I haven’t had a chance to read the decisions, but I’ve read the reporting, and so like any good pundit, I have my reactions already lined up. I hope to get around to the merits of the cases later (when I have time), but my initial reaction is that the Court has continued its tradition of making a muddle of things. This is what happens when you have old people who have all the time in the world on their hands. If you put people like me – too busy to even keep up a decent blog – on the Court, you’d get clear cut decisions that are designed to lower my work load, not keep up a never ending stream of landmark rulings that seem to only invite further litigation. We need to send Justice O’Connor some Ginko Biloba or something so that we can improve her memory and focus her thinking. I know it’s a woman’s perogative to change her mind, but not if they are serving on the Supreme Court. Oh well, since we live in a Democracy, I just won’t vote for her again.