Israel comes out swinging on Yassir Arafat’s lawsuit over Israel’s safety fence: 

Could anything be more shameful than recruiting, inciting, and paying the murderer of 8 children – students, parents, the brother-in-law of Israel’s commercial attache here in the Hague? Could anything be more shameful than that?

And the answer is yes, there is something more shameful: To do all this and then come to the city of The Hague, to ask the United Nation’s Court of Justice to censure the victims of terror for trying to defend themselves. To come to the ‘Palace of Peace’, to the ‘Court of Justice’, on the very morning that the victims are being buried and mourned, murdered by Arafat’s own henchman, to attack Israel for building a fence which might have saved their lives.

And that’s just the throat clearing. 

If we are in a war on terrorism, why isn’t Arafat et al on the target list? I hope it’s just a matter of timing.

Via Shark Blog