I admit it – I thought to myself what Elton John said aloud. My wife and I happened to catch the end of American Idol last week and we were shocked not just that Jennifer Hudson was voted off, but that La Toya London and Fantasia Barrino were in the bottom three with her. IMHO those three plus George Huff are the the best in the bunch – and they all happen to be black.

But I think a more likely explanation than racism is that the three women are similar enough they canabalize each others votes. This whitebread couple in the ‘burbs has voted consistently for La Toya and are hoping she wins; but we stopped watching the show a couple of weeks ago so we didn’t vote for anyone last week (or this week).

UPDATE: The kid who impersonates Frank Sinatra was voted off last night, and neither Fantasia or La Toya were in the bottom 3. (I didn’t watch – a little birdie told me after my son and I got back from his baseball game, which his team won BTW). So maybe the contest is back on track, although lets face it — the five who are left are all very good. And John Stevens would have been the winner 50 years ago when his music was still in style.