The following story on

included the interesting quotation below. This person represents the insurgents in Fallujah.

A representative involved in talks to bring peace to Falluja said Saturday that the group won’t continue discussions with the interim government until the arrested head of the delegation is freed and U.S. warplanes stop bombing the city.

Sheikh Khalid al-Jumaily, speaking on behalf of the Falluja group, made the remarks.

Stated another way, Sheikh Khalid al-Jumaily is promising that if the U.S. Air Force continues to bomb Fallujah, his terrorists will not try to worm their way out of the predicament they’re in through “negotiations”.

“Is there a downside to this?” -Hades, in the Disney movie Hercules.

It sounds like a perfectly acceptable arrangement to me. And I’ll bet the Marines agree.

I hope the Sheikh doesn’t change his mind.