I’ve reached that age when the political give and take has a certain dreary sameness over the years; when it becomes clear that many a partisan excuses faults in what he believes to be “his side” while condemning the same in “the other side”. Long term memory is a terrible thing in a political junkie. 

But there is something new under my sun – the desire for Bush to confess and recant his mistakes. Torquemada had less fervor than his modern brethren who demand with self-righteousness that Bush admit his mistakes — although his direct methods were clearly worse than their Chinese verbal torture. I can’t recall such a demand in the last, oh, thirty years. Not even of Jimmy Carter, the man of a thousand mistakes, both large and small. 

Of course all Presidents make mistakes. I wish Bush would repudiate his signature of McCain Feingold’s ruinous law, but that ain’t gonna happen. Even Reagan, now so beloved of the Democrats despite their spittle at the time, made his fair share of mistakes.

Please spare me the faux pleadings of how you only want Bush to learn from his mistakes when it’s clear that you only want to beat him upside the head with any admission of mistake.