The official FunMurphys endorsement for President goes to George Bush. While I don’t think there would be much difference in the outcome domestically between Bush and Kerry due to the wonderful apparatus of divided government, I think there would be a huge difference between Bush and Kerry in how the War on Terror is fought.

The war we are fighting in not against a single man, or a single organization even. Iraq is currently the central front on the War on Terror because it is the struggle for the future of a nation in the heartland of Islamofascism. Afghanistan is on the edge – it’s importance derived from being a nation fun by Islamofascists. Now that the Taliban is on the fringe, so too is Afghanistan. Instead, Iraq is front and center because it holds the ability to demonstrate that Islamofascism isn’t the future, but the past. And it borders the hotspots – Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia – of the Middle East.

Bush will stay the course in Iraq, Kerry would find a way to cut and run. The fate of Iraq isn’t in our hands; it’s in the hands of the Iraqis. But the best chance for moderate democrats to come out on top there (or at least come out somewhere other than another mass grave) is if the US stays committed and the Iraqi people feel that commitment. 

We would return to the years of watching and waiting – as we did when we knew that Al Qaida was running terrorist training camps in Afghanistan but did nothing. We were content to hold high level meetings in Washington to talk about fighting terrorism, but we only acted in limited response to attacks against us. 

We would return to the years of only doing the easy. As near as I can tell, Kosovo was good because it was easy, but Iraq is bad because it is hard. But you can’t just do the easy stuff and get done what needs to be done. 

We would return to pretending that the UN is something other than a failed institution, a snake pit of self interest, and non-corrupt.

We would return to a foreign policy of acting like the parent who nags their child but never does anything about their behavior. We would be deeply disappointed with Syria, Iran, North Korea, and the other evil dictatorships that are still too plentiful, but we wouldn’t actually do anything other than sign another check to try and appease them.

I don’t want to go back to those days, and that has been John Kerry’s foreign policy for as long as he’s had one. To marry a man and expect him to change is the folly of women; to elect a president and expect him to change would be an equal folly for the electorate.

The War on Terror is going to end with a lot of dead terrorists; the only question is how many they take with them. They are equal opportunity killers, as you can see by how many Iraqis they kill for trying to make Iraq a country for Iraqis. Our war is with Islamofascists, and if it goes well then they will be killed mainly by other Moslems; if it doesn’t go well, they will be killed mainly by us, and sadly we will kill other Moslems with them.