This morning the sun was bright and the air clear in Alamogordo, which made me wonder if I had dreamed the day before. Then I put on my sunglasses and the grit on them made the truth clear, woah, yesterday happened. So I could only marvel at how quickly the dust settled. And then we were off on the next adventure.

We drove up into the mountains (again) and tried to follow the Billy the Kid Trail – it’s a driving route, but the visitor center was closed, there are no road signs, so about all we had to go on was picture of a Google Map with stops marked but no legend. Good times, good times. At least we found a good place for lunch, the Oso grill in Capitan, where we had another chat with a struggling restaurant owner sparked by her giving a rundown of what was on the menu but not actually available. No soup for you!

The drive out to Roswell and then down to Carlsbad was distinctive for the lack of visible mountains – you could see them in certain directions way off on the horizon if you squinted hard enough, and for the near total lack of vegetation, just some sparse short dormant grass with a few yucca looking plants when we got closer to Carlsbad. The scenery got so dull MBH started reading a Poldark book.

The picture taking was so minimal today I added a couple of old ones just to refresh our memory of how pretty the desert can be.

We took a side trip off the Billy the Kid trail up this very windy mountain road
We didn’t get out of the car but there was so little traffic I just stopped and MBH took a picture
That could be a picture of Sierra Blanca but there were several peaks and the road twisted around so much and you lost sight of any peak quite frequently, so yeah, that’s Sierra Blanca
MBH at Tonto National Monument
Sabino Canyon