This morning I got off to a slower start than usual, probably due to the heavy rain disturbing my sleep. We’ve seen every level of rain while driving from barely misting to heavy (thankfully no toad stranglers) so we’ve been able to keep going while using every setting on the wipers (MBH helpfully told me forward is faster on the intermittent settings). Today we even got some fog/cloud driving in.

We did manage to get going and headed to Linville Falls. Beautiful. Then it was off to Linville Falls winery for a late lunch. We bought one of their box lunches that contained a couple of mysteries in addition to the obvious goodies. We had to ask – is the flower edible or decorative, and what is in the sealed straw? Edible, and honey. The honey tasted as expected but the flower surprised me by being tasteless, the last thing I expected. Travel is such a learning experience.

Then we set off down the Blue Ridge Parkway for another hiking opportunity at the Chestoa view trail. AllTrails claims it heavily trafficked but we were the only ones on it and loop at the end was barely a trail. Not that I’m complaining.

One thing we’ve noticed is the profusion of churches, with names we are not used to. We’ve passed the Heaven Bound Baptist church adjacent to the Greater Remnant church several times. One wonders about the theology discussed through the separating chain link fence.

The tradition continues at Linville Falls
The complete picture of the falls but just the start of Linville Gorge
Sitting pretty
Sitting scared
Another day, another “heavily trafficked” trail