We are back on the road again, and by that I mean we have at long last ended our string of restless trips and are spending an entire week at the same location: Hot Springs Arkansas. Now you may well be wondering why, of all the places we’ve been and could go, Hot Springs gets this distinct honor, and I have to tell you it’s because MBH planned it that way. My incessant whining about constantly moving, learning how to use a different Keurig model every couple of days (and just for the record, the one at our current Airbnb is identical to all the others in that some things are the same and some are different) probably had an effect. I may have forgotten how to be a good engineer but I’ll be a champion whiner to the day I die. That and MBH likes me, she really really likes me.

We are not actually staying in Hot Springs, but Hot Springs Village, America’s largest gated community (says so on their website) and while the gates keep the riff raft out, as guests there are only two gates we can enter by and they are inconveniently located like twenty miles apart at either end of the village and our Airbnb is pretty much in the middle. So if we head of East or West it’s not really a big deal, but Hot Springs is to the south.

Saturday we enjoyed Bath House Row and environs with several thousand of our closest friends. Sunday after streaming church (ain’t technology something) we headed off to Lake Ouachita (pronounced just how it sounds) state park and a grueling three hour hike. Before we stopped for lunch the trail was fairly crowded, afterwards the only people we saw were the two guys who found my sunglasses which I had unknowingly dropped on the trail. And there are those who say the age of miracles and wonders is over.

Today I started the day with a flat, fast run and then it was off to the beauty of Garvan Woodland Gardens. After soaking up the sights there we saw sights from a higher vantage point – the top of Hot Springs Mountain and then we headed off to our Hot Springs bath appointment at Quapaw Baths and Spa where all of our aches and pains were first melted away in the hot mineral water and then we were reinvigorated with a very cold mint scented towel that stayed ice cold even when applied to a hot body for an amazingly long time.

As always we start with an ussie. Here we are, fresh in town and ready for (almost) anything
I’m told all the cool kids post pictures like this on Instagram, and there’s no one cooler than MBH
Every hike starts with such high hopes
It’s still early so the sweat has barely started
I have seven pictures with the wings closed and one with the wings open, but this is the only one I’m going to show.
Anthony Chapel, even prettier on the inside
This is me being invigorated
We say so long for now from the top of Hot Springs Mountain