I don’t know about you, but I’ve gotten pretty tired of this rule by decree we’ve fallen into at every level of government and party now. I’d love to blame our terrible political class, but we are the ones who vote them into power – we’ve fallen prey to a miserable tribalism in America and elect politicians purely on cultural grounds instead of their ability to lead.

But we need these decrees you say, why if everyone wore a mask we’d have this infection licked. Maybe, but even so I see plenty of people walking around with masks below their noses or even their mouths or wearing bandanas or balaclavas so they are technically in compliance but not really helping. And there are enough nut jobs on both sides of the mask divide or people who can’t stand even a whiff of perceived criticism I just roll my eyes. And my eyes are getting worn out over way more than just masks.

Leaders educate and motivate so that when crunch time comes we all work together to get the job done. We are stuck with politicians and a media that do their darnedest to make us dumber, divided, and sullen by hectoring and lying.