If you live in the St. Louis area, you can thank me for the rain over the weekend. Yep, I went camping. The OA Fall Reunion was held at S-F Scout ranch and I was there. Friday night I had to undergo me pre-ordeal since I was unable to complete it due to broken toes at summer camp. I thought there would be maybe about 5 of us, but it was more like 80. Apparently a bunch of troops went out of council for their summer camp and were completing their pre-ordeals that night as well.

At 3 AM most of us bugged out when it sprinkled; the decision looked much better in retropspect when it poured at 4AM. It poured on us Saturday morning and Saturday evening, so we were grateful New Horizons moved up the candidate ceremonies to the afternoon so they could take place without rain. But that meant we were done by 6PM so the boys all voted to pack up in the rain and leave Saturday night instead of Sunday morning. The vote wouldn’t have been different if we were an adult led troop.