I’m willing to accept that John Kerry was not trying to criticism American soldiers as stupid but mistakenly called them unmotivated, lazy, and ignorant. So I agree with Ms. Barber that Mr. Kerry is being unfairly attacked on this subject:

“I can’t overstress the importance of a great education. Do you know where you end up if you don’t study, if you aren’t smart, if you’re intellectually lazy? You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq.”

That’s a clear reference to Bush, who Kerry implies is dumb. But it came out like this:

“You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

It’s bad enough that he’s being condescending. John Kerry is where he is today not through diligent application in school, but by being willing to do anything to advance himself no matter what.

But far worse is that he’s trying to turn a policy disagreement into a stupid joke. Literally. Great, that’s who I want trying to determine national policy. I guess that means Kerry’s idol, JFK, is a dumb fratboy like Bush because he got stuck in Vietnam – the original “quagmire”.

Not every politician can tell a joke, and it really isn’t a senatorial requirement, but I don’t think that let’s JoKe off the hook. Besides, calling them stupid woudn’t have been near as bad as things he’s actually called them – war criminals.

What are the things Democrats complain about Bush?

That he’s a poor public speaker? Guess what, this latest from Kerry only shows that Kerry’s worse.

That he doesn’t admit mistakes? Has Kerry admitted his mistake and apologized? Ha, he’s gone the blame everybody else route. [And now belatedly apologized.]

That he’s dumb? Hey, Kerry got worse grades in school. And he flubbed an easy joke.

Look, I find that Kerry is everything that the Democrats today complain about Bush (including the liar part) only moreso, yet not only can they stomach Kerry, they made him their Presidential candidate in 2004. The Democrats could have been a contender – they could have put the standard in Joe Lieberman’s capable hands in 2004 but instead that went with a pathetic loser like Kerry and kicked Lieberman out of the party.