The penultimate day of the tour of the near southwest has arrived; we arrived in Oklahoma City last night to find it closed for business just like most everywhere in the US. So after picking a place for dinner and paying for parking we discovered a sign to go only via some app we’d never heard of, so we saw a burger place, New State Burgers, across the street and we went in since its sign just said to go only. Fortunately, only the very friendly head chef was there so he broke the rules but not the law and let us sit and enjoy our meal there – apparently the proclamation was no dining starting today but most everywhere started yesterday. I have to say, the burger was really very good as was his unique take on Brussel sprouts and i think we all were happy to have someone to talk to.
Today was awkward as anything and everything remotely touristy is closed so instead we had take out pizza that we ate at a park and then we went park hopping. We had time to download an app and set it up to order our pizza because the highly recommended pizza joint advertised take out via the Postmates app only. Based on this data point, I’m not sure take out only helps stop transmission of the Wuhan virus or any other contagion. There was a cluster of patrons up front waiting for their food, while money and credit cards were still transferred between ungloved hands. I hope we all get better at it quickly, or what’s the point? I get closing bars etc where it can get quite crowded, but we might be better off in keeping restaurants open but ensuring adequate physical distances between tables and proper sanitation.
Tomorrow once again we get a long drive in the rain, but at least our home is at the end of that rainbow.