Posts Tagged aging

Boomers Go Backwards Again

Yep, people were getting smarter until the boomers came along – hey, there is no arguing with science, and if UPI says a study says so, it must be true. And while the study applies to cognitive function over 50, let’s face it the parents of the boomers were always sharper, grittier, and nicer than boomers (yes, technically I’m one, but just barely). They had to be – they grew up in the depression, went off and won WWII, came back and made America the most prosperous country on earth (probably the solar system, maybe the galaxy, possibly the universe). According to science -or at least some associate professor of sociology so my trust level is sky high – fat, dumb ,and drunk is no way to go through life. OK, the dean said that, and it’s a great proverb that should be stenciled in every nursery, but it mostly applies as boomers are fatter, dumber, and more depressed than previous generations. Tough times make you lean, smart, and happy when they are over, or so I’ve been told. Maybe by science.

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Grumpy Old Man

The new phone book is here! The new phone book is here! The fun wife showed me the new yellow pages this morning, and I had to ask if it this was meant as a joke. They took the book they delivered six months ago and shrunk it down – the paper is smaller, and more importantly, smaller type. Maybe ours just got left out in the rain and shrank. I hate to sound like an old goober (especially now that I am one), but jumpin’ jehosephat, nobody over 40 can rean the dad burn things. A font size of 5 points requires both strong light and a magnifying glass. What in the blue blazes were they thinking at SBC?
