Posts Tagged alcohol

A Jug Of Wine, And Thou

You can get a grant for a study like this?

Studies to date looking at the association between alcohol consumption and risky sex, however, have largely used potentially biased clinic-based samples or alcohol venue-based sampling strategies [2,4,10,13,16,17]. In addition, risk factors for heavy alcohol use itself with regard to sexual behavior have not yet been adequately characterized. Finally, there are few data on whether the relationship between alcohol and risky sex is the same for men and women, and on the interplay between alcohol, intergenerational relations, and sex exchange. We therefore set out to assess the following in a large, population-based sample covering rural, urban, and semi-urban areas in Botswana: (a) the prevalence and correlates of heavy alcohol consumption; and (b) gender-specific relationships between heavy alcohol use (as a primary independent variable) and a number of HIV transmission risk outcomes, including having unprotected sex with a nonmonogamous partner, having multiple partners, and paying for or selling sex in exchange for money or resources.

As Gomer would say, surprise surprise surprise. When drunk, people are more likely to engage in risky sex. I could have told you that more clearly for less money. Far less money. It’s the basis for men buying women (and vice versa) drinks in bars. In fact, I’ll give this one to you for free – alcohol consumption lowers inhibitions.

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Too Good to Be True

Moderate consumption of alcohol reduces the odds of obesity. So maybe those beer adds where whippet thin yuppies meet to run and then have a light beer aftwards isn’t so far fetched after all.

Maybe this is just good news for me, given as how I have far more than I want, but research by investigators at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine indicates that stem cells from hair follicles help heal skin.

I sit on the pinnacle of happiness because I said “I do” 17 years ago.. Or in the words of a researcher “Some commitment appears to be good, but more commitment appears to be even better”, and marriage is a the top of the committment heap.

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