I love Missouri. There, I said it, and I’m not ashamed. The countryside is beautiful, the people are friendly and helpful, and our government is, OK, two out of three ain’t bad. I know a lot of people must think of Missouri as dull flat country with nothing but farms, but that’s Northern Illinois, not Missouri. Missouri is actually quite varied, and while the scenery isn’t dramatic (no deserts or mountains), it’s much more inviting and bursting with life.

I know what you’re thinking, what the heck brought this on? Our Boy Scout Troop floated 16 miles on the glorious Jack’s Fork river this past weekend. The National Park Service campground at Alley Spring’s was a rare treat for our troop because it had a large fire pit, plenty of picnic tables, and best of all, flush toilets. Our canoe outfitter was Windy’s, and we were more than satisfied with them. The area is really very pretty although a bit hard to get to. I’d put up pictures, but the batteries were dead in the digital camera and I didn’t bring the flim camera.

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