My son and I had a great time at Webelos camp. For him, it wasn’t just the fun activities. An important part has to do with fostering independence and taking responsiblity. Real challange does far more than all the fake positive self esteem acitivities ever accomplish. And Mrs. Morgan, who bless her was there all week, was very good about letting the boys know that and experience that. As for me, well, I enjoy being with my family — and getting away from it all (and doing new things).

When I picked him up on Friday, he said he’d learned a lot of important lessons at camp. One was that if you were with somebody long enough, they got annoying. Another was that he shouldn’t be picky about eating. He used to be very good about trying new foods, but a couple of years ago that stopped and his culinary horizon had shrunk to only a few things he would eat. But at camp he was forced to choose between eating whatever was served or going hungry. He discovered that a lot of things he didn’t think he would like he actually did. So Friday night he insisted that we eat somewhere he hadn’t been before so that he could try something completely new. My wife and I hope this keeps up.

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