Posts Tagged CBS

Going And Going And …

Rathergate just keeps getting bigger, weirder, and more corrupt. It’s reminds me of when I first saw Independence Day: You think you’re watching just another disaster epic, some character starts talking about Roswell and area 51, and the next thing you know all the crazy conspiracy theories about aliens are coming true. Well, that’s where we’re at on this story, we started off with a story of sloppy journalism and all of a sudden CBS news is just another cog in the Kerry Campaign — and it sure seems like we’re still closer to the beginning of the story than the end.

The story as of now – CBS learns by means/people unrevealed that Bill Burkett has some info on Bush’s National Guard service. Despite the fact that Burkett had already fabricated a story about Bush’s TANG files, CBS talks to and believes Burkett (he must be mighty persuasive in person). Burkett tells them he has some documents, gives one to them, and then names as his price for the rest that CBS has the Kerry Campaign talk to him. Mary Mapes, CBS producer, calls Joe Lockhart and Max Cleland, tips them off that Burkett is their source on a big story about Bush’s National Guard service complete with documentary evidence. Lockhart talks with Burkett, but he claims he only humored him, talking about how Kerry could respond to the Swift Boat Veterans ads, and never discussed what Burkett was telling to CBS. It’s pure coincidence that the Kerry campaign had ready that whole “Fortunate Son” theme ready to go immediately after the 60 minutes report. Oh that’s right, Burkett slipped Cleland a copy of the documents (perhaps when Cleland was down at Bush’s ranch?) so why should Lockard spend time yaking with the guy when he can look at the documents for himself.

Gee, I wonder why CBS didn’t also contact the Bush campaign to let them know about the report they were going to do. That way they too could have their comments ready following the show. Maybe CBS found it too hard to think with all those alarm bells going off. I mean, Burkett had lied before about something and cited George Conn as someone who could back him up, and here he tells CBS he got these documents from Conn again (did Burkett pick him for the name alone?). CBS is apparently so dazed and confused that they can’t figure out what their document experts are telling them, don’t bother to check with George Conn to see if they are getting conned, rely on noted liar Ben Barnes to be the face of the piece, and then seemed defensive and shocked that anyone would question CBS authority. I mean, if CBS says they have authenticated the documents (they didn’t), have an unimpeachable source (I guess he’s certifiable, not impeachable), and airtight chain of custody (so airtight they don’t need to check it), who but partisan idiot scumbags can question them? And just because they already told the Kerry Campaign who they’re top secret source is doesn’t mean they should tell the public.

USA Today also received the documents, but seemingly they could hear the alarm bells well enough they didn’t run with the story like CBS. And when they went back to Burkett, they got the greatest shaggy dog story ever told: Lucy Ramirez gave them to me, and I burned the originals because, well, Ramirez didn’t want forensic evidence coming back to name her. Who’s Lucy Ramirez? Apparently USAT doesn’t know either, but didn’t think to ask.

If this were a movie, people would think it too contrived. Sadly, it’s not, it’s the network news in action. I suppose this way they can go out with a bang, not a whimper.

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Gee, Ya Think?

It’s not just rumored anymore, it’s official: CBS admits that it cannot vouch for the authenticity of documents used to support a “60 Minutes” story. The network said it was wrong to go on the air with a story that it could not substantiate. 

And for reasons known only to ABC news, they choose to run the story with a picture of John Kerry speaking at a fund raiser. That’s enough to make me wonder if I shouldn’t start complaining about a rightward tilt in the media. 

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Same As It Ever Was

It’s clear CBS lied to us. No, I’m not claiming they or any employee (e.g. Dan Rather) were the forgers of what are clearly forged documents. No, they lied to us about how they checked the authenticity. None of their so called experts authenticated the documents. They never did have a document expert as they claimed, and now they’re trolling blogs looking for any help they can get.

I think this is business as usual for the MSM. There was no golden age. The authority and trustworthiness on any story has always depended on the individuals doing the reporting and fact checking, not with the organization as a whole. Some people had integrity and were conscientious; other were not. Jason Blair exposed the same problems on the newspaper side that Steven Glass exposed on the magazine side that are now revealed on the network news side by RatherGate. 

MSM has long been part of the trial lawyer media complex, an unholy alliance designed to win money for both trial lawyers through damage awards and journalists through advertisers. When NBC news allowed the destruction of a pickup truck to be staged using model rocket engines by trial lawyers, this connection was clearly exposed, not that anything happened beyond junior partners catching heat. The way for huge breast implant verdicts and awards was carefully paved by a media campaign that hyped non-existent dangers. 

Where once reporting on social issues like gun control and abortion, or how different wars were portrayed based upon who occupied the oval office, or even economic news itself were and are slanted by the liberal views and biases of MSM, we know have a clear indication that political reporting suffers the same fate.

Trust is the only currency MSM has to spend, and for me they’ve spent it all. And that’s terrible, we need reliable information.

UPDATE: I’ve been busy, but the new developments are even worse for CBS. The reason they didn’t provide the names and reports of their authenticators is that the people they asked to authenticate didn’t. That’s right, after CBS looked into the memos for weeks the expert’s verdict was not authentic. Yet CBS went ahead anyway. They didn’t make a mistake, they lied, and they knowingly peddled a lie. Okay, CBS hasn’t just spent all their trust with me, they are into me for a lot of trust. 

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