Posts Tagged Claire McCaskill

Universal Healthcare for Soldiers

I’m shocked, shocked to discover that politicians brazenly lie. Or that it would be Claire McCaskill this time.

Have you ever noticed how when it’s a Democrat in the White House, the credit for good news goes to his administration and blame for bad news goes to “the government”, but when a Republican is in the White House, just the opposite occurs?

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Claire Is In

The big political news here in Missouri is that Claire McCaskill is running for the Senate against Jim Talent. Needless to say, there are different viewpoints on the matter: pro and con. I have to admit that I like both Talent and McCaskill, but I expect I’ll be voting for Jim come election time. Hopefully Claire won’t try to connect with rural voters by blazing away with a shotgun like Jean Carnahan – forcing Jim to tout how he likes to fish which then led to fishing-licence-gate one of the stupider so called scandals in Missouri. And hopefully Claire will pick a better color scheme than the one she used against Blunt. I find McCaskill a much stronger candidate than Jean Carnahan, but I don’t know if my fellow Missourians agree with me. We did elect Matt Blunt, after all.
