Posts Tagged genetics

Its My Gene’s Fault

Science Blog reports on the discovery of an appetite stimulating gene called GAD2. One form of the gene stimulates the appetite much more than the other, an in what should be a surprise to no one, the people with the non-stimulating form were more likely to have normal weights. I have a good idea which form my wife (who can go from starving to full in three bites) has, and which form I (who never feels full as much as painfully stuffed) have.

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It’s Not My Fault, It’s My Genes

Reuters reports that an Italian researcher has linked a gene (charmingly named DD) to abnormal weight gain in men. And it’s widespread – about 40% of the population (I’m not clear which population) has it. It’s not as big a deal as made out, however when you read that 52 percent of carriers are overweight as compared to 44% of non carriers. That’s the problem with reading the last part of an article as opposed to just the headline – the headline is always an attention grabber, staking out the most extreme position, and the real meaning is buried at the end of the article.

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