Gas prices seem to be like the weather these days: Everybody complains about it, but nobody does anything about it. Have you noticed anybody slowing down on the road these days? Driving less? How about bitching about it like somehow we’re all entitled to nice weather and cheap gas all the time? The first two, nothing. The third, plenty.

Yesterday I came across the USA Today story about NSA gathering information from three out of four telephone companies with mild boredom. I didn’t even bother blogging about it because it seemed so trivial. Now the government has a trifle of the info that private companies already have and I’m supposed to care? This is what kills me about so much of the privacy paranoia – the information has already been gathered by one entity, but if the federal governement gets its hands on it, watch out, dictatorship is around the corner (or already here). Thankfully, most of my fellow Americans agree with me, and those who don’t (in the story, anyway) turn out to have a full blown case of Bush Derangement Syndrome. At least there is more ot this story than the Bush Fishing Kerfuffle.
