Posts Tagged spam

Too Much To Hope For

I hate to even mention it, but is comment spam a thing of the past? I used to get it regularly which made me install MT-Blacklist and MT-Close. That really cut down on it, but I’d have to update my Blacklist and run MT-Close frequently. I could see the spammers being denied on my activity log, so even though they weren’t showing up, they weren’t getting in. But I haven’t even seen a denial in the log in a while. Have the spammer given up, or are they retooling, or are they leaving the little guys alone?


Don’t Spam In Texas

I have to applaud Texas prosecuting a spammer. Now if they would just live up to their reputation and execute these guys, I’d feel even better.


Wonderful Spam

Do they give the electric chair for spam? The Justice Department has filed a criminal complaint against for men for fraudulent spam. I can see an Alice’s Restaurant moment:

“What were you arrested for, kid?”

And I said, “Spaming.” 

And they all moved away from me on the bench there, and the hairy eyeball and all kinds of mean nasty things, till I said, 

“And creating a nuisance.” 

And they all came back, shook my hand, and we had a great time on the bench, talkin about crime

I hate spam, but I notice it less now that I use a mail program that has a decent spam filter (AKA Apple Mail). I still get 60-70 spams a day, but I only see at worst about 5 of them, usually those that have 5 unconnected words in the title. Why that’s hard for the filter to spot and easy for me is left as an excercise for the reader.

I just don’t get spam. Who in their right mind actually buys anything from a spammer?

If the Can-Spam Act (shouldn’t they change it to Can’t-Spam Act?) also covers comment spam, I’m all in favor of it. I just installed MT-Blacklist by Jay Allen to try and stop it here. I never had a problem when I was using Greymatter, but I’m being overrun by it recently.
