Posts Tagged vaccine

You Call That a Rollout?

First, let me say get the COVID vaccine.  The only way to get past this virus is either most people catch it or get vaccinated, and vaccination is preferable.  So again, get vaccinated.

None of the testing and analysis has been short cut for the vaccines – the decision making and bureaucracy has instead.  Gone is the the general foot dragging by the manufacturer while it tries to decide if they can make money after the cost of the testing (clinical trials aren’t cheap) and manufacturing versus what the market will turn out to be plus trying to factor the risk involved.  So they tend to go slow while looking at small sets of data trying to decide if the cost of gathering larger sets of data will be worth it.  And then the FDA (the government agency that has killed more Americans, even more than the VA) has it’s own ways of slowing everything down – requesting more data, making decisions at a snails pace – because they don’t care about the human toll of delay and disapproval, just the risk they approve something and somehow they get blamed for any problems with it.  And even with all that depends on these vaccines they took weeks to schedule meetings or look at data that should have taken days at most.

Nothing really says failure of the government public health apparatus at all levels than these vaccines.  The CDC issued guidelines for a crazy multi phased, multi tiered roll out that looks like they started with something put together over a few beers after watching “Contagion”.  The plan worries about preserving societal functioning so what job you do moves you up or down in the priority list – Missouri very helpfully assigns morticians and embalmers in the same very high priority group with public health administrators and law enforcement.  And then of course equity is a big thing so being homeless or in prison or a member of disproportionately affected populations puts you in phase 2.  And then because we love our children Young Adults and Children are in Phase 3 along with another set of important workers.  And then it must have dawned on them that COVID is nothing like the fictional virus of Contagion, so they tack on to that unappetizing hodgepodge Long Term Care Facility residents, people over 65, and people with the COVID comorbidities we’ve all come to know and hate. And then they don’t even specify a Phase 4, just leave it implied that someday they’ll get around to the rest of us.

But the fact that COVID was here for like nine months before they issued these guidelines and society is no closer to collapse due to COVID (our politics maybe) didn’t seem to dawn on them, or that our hospitals, not society at large, is what is under pressure from COVID.  So despite all these wonderful charts about how COVID deaths and hospitalizations are hugely driven by age and comorbidity (basically people under 50 show very low hospitalization rates with little seasonal variation unlike all the age groups over 50, and the line for 17 and under basically hugs zero), they left in all the pointless generic virus protecting society complexity and young people.  It would have been childsplay to use the data we already have to a few levels of who is at most risk of dying/hospitalization based on age and comorbidity.  Number one would be LTCF residents, then something like people over 75 and people over 55 with comorbidities, then people over 65 and anyone with comorbidities, then everyone over 50,  and then everyone else.  That approach would both lower the death toll and relieve the strain on hospitals the quickest, and be easy to understand.  It’s crazy, people under 17 should be the last people to get the vaccine, and yet they get a bump in priority.  

The actual vaccination program has not gone well (at least it seems now to be better than our contact tracing efforts).  First the states seemed totally unprepared for a vaccination program.  Some governors would rather waste vaccine than have their priority schemes not followed.  And there seems to be 20 million dose disconnect between what the federal government thinks they’ve delivered vs what the states think they’ve received.  The target audience is old people, and so of course we use complex websites hastily thrown together to sign up to get vaccinated.  And despite the deaths and ravaged economy, can you detect a sense of urgency in the vaccination efforts?   I sure can’t.  It was like the Warp Speed team had urgency and figured out how to dramatically shorten the time from development to shipment with approval and then turned it over to normal government where it has been business as usual. 

Let me say one last time, unlike facial cover wearing, social distancing, lockdowns, and hand washing,  these vaccines have actual clinical trials to back them up, both on safety and efficacy – so quit placing your trust in the unproven and get vaccinated.  


High Bad, Low Good

Hormesis. Sounds kind of odd, but it’s the idea that high doses of a compound are a poison, low doses are a tonic. Dr. Edward Calabrese advances the theory of Hormesis based on thousands of studies performed on all kinds of organisms. The proposed mechanism is that the low doses stimulates the body and the response is beneficial – for instance, a low dose of radiation causes a small amount of DNA damage which stimulates the body to repair it – if the dose is low enough, the repair exceeds the damage do to the radiation. Too high, and you die. It’s hard to build a therapy around, but it does mean we might not have to sweat the small stuff – for instance, there is a point past which cleaning up certain pollutants is actually counter productive, let alone pointless. And the EPA’s linear dose models would need to be changed. Still, it’s not widely accepted.

This passage caught my eye in the article:

In one session of the conference, veterinarian Dennis Jones, of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry in Atlanta, presented recent findings on low-dose mercury exposure. Jones analyzed data from a study at the Centers for Disease Control that tracked more than 100,000 infants. The infants were given thimerosal, an organic compound of mercury used as a preservative in vaccines. The researchers worried that giving the infants too many vaccines might harm them. But Jones found that limited exposure to mercury actually lessened the children’s chances of developing neurological tics, delayed speech, and other pathologies. Jones’s analysis is preliminary, so he declined to give concrete numbers. But he called the study “exquisite” and said that it “really amazed” him. Calabrese was not amazed. “In our most recent database search,” he said softly into the microphone, “mercury is perhaps the most studied element showing a hormetic effect.” 

So while there’s no scientific evidence so far that mercury in vaccines cause autism, if hormesis is accurate, then there might actually be a benefit to mercury in vaccines. I can see why it’s hard to accept.

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Smallpox Vaccine: Good News and Bad News

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports good news and bad news about the results of a pilot study on the Smallpox vaccine carried out right here at St. Louis University. The good news is that it would appear diluted vaccine does confer an immune response in people who were vaccinated previously (the general public hasn’t been vaccinated since 1972 in the US). Since there are only 15 million vaccine doses and more than 280 million Americans, that’s good news. Some scientists worried that the old vaccination would not confer enough of a response to require an even larger dose of the vaccine, let alone not allow a smaller dose to work. The bad news is that the old vaccination doesn’t appear to provide an immune response after more than 30 years – 10 years is apparently the accepted length of time, so for all of us who were once routinely inoculated and have that weird looking scar to prove it, we have no increased immunity to smallpox. A larger study is now being started to determine just how diluted the vaccine should be. If you’re worried and were once vaccinated, then call the Center for Vaccine Development at 314-977-6333 and see if you can sign up – although I warn you that people do have adverse responses to the vaccine (beyond the two weeks of a pus filled sore at the vaccination site).
